Hotel-restaurant ‘Svyatoslav’ offers you to choose exactly this room which suits to your mood and idea about comfortable rest. Each of 31 rooms has its own unique style. So, room in beige tones are made to secure your tranquility and pink room (the favourite room of newly wed) – allows you to plunge together into dreamland, apartment de luxe will pleasantly astonish you with comfort, and conference room will put you into business atmosphere. Recently has been opened for you the doors of 14 new rooms – they are spacious and diligently elaborated, equipped with elegant furniture and decorations. Everything prosaic – hubbub and fuss, everyday life and its problems put aside for indefinite term. It is easy with us! In each room is TV set, shower, and lavatory. Class of the rooms is de luxe and half luxe. Order may be received just form the restaurant. There is also foreseen a breakfast that will include your own individual gastronomic desires. In the rooms on the upper level you have the opportunity to take delight of gorgeous scenery from wide balconies. There you can also sit in the rocking chair and breath in a wonderful aroma of pure forest air. Offers Wi-fi Tennis Court Sauna VIP room Located 9km from Lviv. Link to photos of each room:наші номера&Itemid=2
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